Friday, January 29, 2010

Window Cleaning and the sale of your home.

"Should I clean my windows before selling my home?"
I have heard this questions many times and my answer is always yes.
You know how having your windows cleaned makes you feel about your home. It feels bigger. It feels brighter. It feels and looks cleaner. These are exactly the same feelings that you are trying to get out of your potential buyer, except that they will say your house is Big, Bright and Clean. The fact that you just made it that way for the sale is just between us.
We have many real estate agents that we have worked with over the years and consider many of them my personal friends. They know what they are doing. Listen to them, follow their instructions and things will turn out well.
Good luck with the sale. Breathe. It will be over soon.

Monday, January 11, 2010

We're now on Twitter!

As if there weren't enough ways to be in touch, we are now on Twitter as well.
Find us at

We're now on facebook!

In our ongoing attempt to be everywhere... We are also on Facebook now.
You can find us at Friend us up!